Thursday, February 26, 2009

IF : Instinct

By instinct, they were drawn to each other....

Getting there....I'd say it's just a little under halfway completed. I'm hoping to work on it more tonight, but my drafting table is in our bedroom, and my husband will soon want to sleep. I don't have my own studio at the moment ( oh how I wished I did). I do my best work when I can listen to my music while drawing. Current music for this piece...Anuna. If you haven't heard of them, I highly suggest doing a search on Amazon for some mp3's.

Beginning the transformation. I finally found some time to get back to work on this. This is the stage ( the twinework, as I call it) that takes the most time to complete.

Ok folks...this one is a work in progress. I have not done a prompt for Illustration Friday for some time, and I really wanted to do this one. As it usually turns out, I end up wasting time trying to come up with an idea..and then other things prevent me from getting started early enough.

I also wanted to show this one in steps anyway, but now, it's just going to be late. But I wanted to get my link logged in time for this one.

Ok, this is just the base sketch, plus a refined outline. It's still very early, and I think this is going to take me until at least the end of the weekend to finish.

PLEASE stop back to see the finished piece!!!

Also, did I mention before about my problem with taking pictures of my work with my camera? I think I did...I really hate it. I just don't have the proper lighting. So every time I do a larger piece ( this one is 14 x 17 " )...I need to use my camera because it's too big for my scanner. And every time, the pictures either come out dark grey, or dark yellow...and I have to use software to " try " and fix it. Notice how I have the word try in quotation marks : )

I can never get it right, and it always ends up dual colored or something ( notices the different colors on the left and right of the image). Anyway, I will be glad when the weather gets warmer and perhaps I can go outside in the day, and make use of the natural lighting for my pictures.

Again, PLEASE stop back to see the finished piece! I know, it's a pain in the butt, but I'm hoping to have this finished by Sunday...perhaps Monday at the latest. I'm terrible with deadlines....I know : /

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Priestess II

Ink and graphite, 9 x 12 on 111 lb, Canson drawing paper. This is the second in my Priestess series. The first was an ACEO ( trading card ) sized drawing. I decided to take this series to a larger scale. The figure drawing photo I used for a base sketch was provided by Live Model Books. A big thanks to the photographer, the website and to model Valentine for providing the pose.

I strayed just a bit from the model photo. Due to the texture I use in the body, I needed to move her arm just a bit, so that the staff would not interfere with the figure, and end up blending in too much.

Priestess II © Faeorain, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shaman V - ACEO

Ink and graphite on Stonehenge drawing paper. The actual size of this drawing is 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 ", ( trading card sized). Ok, I did say I was taking a break from the trading card sized work....I still am. But I figured I would sneak one in ( I wanted to try out my new cream, Stonehenge paper, which I purchased pre-cut in the trading card size.) I will probably sneak a few in here and there, but they will not be my main focus now. I can't get the same level of detail in this smaller format, but I try. The smallest pen tip size I am working with now is 005.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ink and graphite on 90 lb , cream colored drawing paper, 11 x 14. This is another drawing created from a pose by model Jesse, from Live Model Books. Thanks again to Live Model books, the photographer, and to Jesse for providing the great pose!

Wadim © Faeorain, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Ink and graphite on 111 lb. drawing paper. This drawing was created with the help of figure model barefootpoet who provided the perfect pose. This was the R&D 235 for the Figure Drawing Factory group. I decided to make the project part of my ongoing series of twine beings. Many thanks to barefootpoet for the great pose!

Awaken © Faeorain, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ink and graphite on cream colored paper. This one measures 11 x 14, so I could not use my scanner to get the picture uploaded, as it was too large. I had to use the camera, and, can see the result. I had a really hard time trying to get a picture that was not too dark, or yellow, or even multi-colored. These pics are not the exact representation of the color and brightness of the actual drawing. The pictures kept turning out really dark, so I had to use a photo editing program to adjust the color, and used fade correction to brighten them up a bit. As you can tell, I am not an expert with the camera ; )

The actual color of the paper is a natural cream color, which is just a bit off-white.

I would also like to thank figure model Jesse, from Live Model Books for providing the pose for this piece.

Doru © Faeorain, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ink and graphite. The twine keeps calling me back, so I will be taking a break from the watercolors, and the ACEOs for awhile to work on some larger drawings in this series. I feel these images work best in black/white or greyscale.

I did not have a figure photo to work with on this one, so I had to wing it. There is of course, always a noticable difference when I do not use an actual model pose for a base sketch. I'm still working on accurately remembering all of the details of the human body from memory.

Svuil © Faeorain, 2009