Monday, March 23, 2009

Illustration Friday: Subtract - Kenpachi Zaraki - Bleach

Subtract one eye patch from a certain captain of squad 11 of the 13 court guard squads, and,'re in for a world of trouble!

Graphite, 14 x 17 ".

For those who don't read manga or watch anime, you may not get the connection, so I will try to explain while hopefully not making this too long.

This is based on a manga/anime character from Bleach. He is Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, and when he removes his eyepatch, his reiatsu ( spiritual pressure/source of power) goes into overdrive. All soul reapers/shinigami/ and captains have different levels of reiastu. Kenpachi has an enormous amount of it, but he loves battle so much, that he wears this special eye patch to suppress the bulk of his power, thus drawing the battle out for his enjoyment. When the eye patch comes off...all hell is gonna break loose! ( He is also notorious for not taking very good care of his sword, thus all the damage shown).

Kenpachi Zaraki Original Sketch © Faeorain, 2009

Character Kenpachi Zaraki © Tite Kubo, 2009


  1. Nice sketch and interesting story about Zaraki :)

  2. I don't watch anime, but this is good.

  3. Impressive detailed graphite work. Even without the explanation, this is clearly a nice rendition of the subject. You've made an ANIME fan of me!

  4. THANK YOU for the explanation. (and evocative drawing).

  5. This is an amazing drawing and it's good to know the back story of the character. I'm not a huge anime fan, but this really is beautifully done.

  6. Wonderfully illustrated with a great eye for details!

  7. Thanks for your comments, and this is a pretty neat picture. Brilliant shading.

  8. I agree. I'm not into this mythology at all, yet Fae's drawings make it intriguing.

    Fae, thank you.

  9. looks like he's waiting to be attacked from the rear. great expression on his face.

  10. Come on, try me if you dare

  11. Not familiar with character, but excellent work in graphite. Show us more.

  12. Wonderful drawing, strong character and amazing six-pack abs!

  13. wow that drawing is amazing
    like wow really good
    also he doesnt know the name of his sword
    in case u didnt know =)

  14. @studio lolo...thanks! Yes, I did know that about him...there's not much I don't know about him. Also, he may know it's name now, but he also may be deceased, which I hope he is not. The most recent storyline seems to be leading to clues that Muramasa is Kenpachi's zanpaktou. But then again, Kubo likes to throw crazy plot twists into his stories, and give false clues to keep us guessing.

  15. Sorry, the previous message was meant for anonymous, not studio lolo :)
